Apr 20, 2007

We must act now to save ourselves from global warming

Statesman Journal, OR 
Two thousand of the world's premier scientists are warning that we must change direction on global warming or we may be headed down the "highway to ...
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Anonymous said...

The “Scientific Consensus.” On the supposed “scientific consensus”: Dr. Naomi Oreskes, of the University of California, San Diego, did not examine a “large random sample” of scientific articles. She got her search terms wrong and thought she was looking at all the articles when in fact she was looking at only 928 out of about 12,000 articles on “climate change.” Dr. Benny Peiser, of Liverpool John Moores University in England, was unable to replicate her study. He says, “As I have stressed repeatedly, the whole data set includes only 13 abstracts (~1%) that explicitly endorse what Oreskes has called the ‘consensus view.’ In fact, the vast majority of abstracts does (sic) not mention anthropogenic climate change. Moreover — and despite attempts to deny this fact — a handful of abstracts actually questions the view that human activities are the main driving force of ‘the observed warming over the last 50 years.’” In addition, a recent survey of scientists following the same methodology as one published in 1996 found that about 30 percent of scientists disagreed to some extent or another with the contention that “climate change is mostly the result of anthropogenic causes.” Less than 10 percent “strongly agreed” with the statement. Details of both the survey and the failed attempt to replicate the Oreskes study can be found here.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, as you are probably aware, the political machines have entered the fray and made it incredibly difficult for people to ascertain the reality of the situation.

The fact that politically sponsored studies have been manufactured to disagree with the scientific consensus does not negate the fact that there really is a general scientific consensus.

People will say anything if you pay them enough.

The bottom line is that humanity is making changes to the environement. Every time humanity steps in and makes wholesale changes, there is a reaction, why should this situation be any different?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Billions of dollars are paid to people that support the idea that Global Warming is caused by man, while scientists that dispute the theory are left out of funding.Why would that be when it is a theory that needs to be proven as soon as possible?