May 19, 2007

CNN Climate Change Report-an Interview with Dr Paul Toyne of ...

PR Leap (press release), CA 
COM) Climate change once again dominated the CNN morning news. Dr Paul Toyne was interviewed live by newsreader Monita Rajpal about the UN Intergovernmental ...   related articles

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Anonymous said...

This is what the U.N is really about:To get an idea how bogus cap-and-trade emissions credits are, one need only look to see who is behind this spurious campaign. At or near the top of that list is the United Nations for whom global warming has become the Holy Grail. By positioning themselves to save the Earth, the U.N. sets itself up to control all aspects of life upon it. Supporting the U.N. program are the endless non-governmental organizations that benefit from keeping people fearful the Earth will come to an end without their programs to save it.

The adage, however, is “follow the money” and here’s where we find the greatest supporters of cap-and-trade emissions credits. Huge financial firms such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are betting they can make billions through government mandated programs in which vast amounts of money move back and forth through “climate exchanges” where companies trade their alleged emissions reduction activities for credits, i.e., real cash.

Just as Al Gore tells us that he can continue living an extravagant lifestyle, using private jets and living in a home that uses many times more electricity than the average home, because he buys carbon “offsets”, this obvious fiction will be embraced as large corporations and small realize what a cash cow cap-and-trade can be.

It’s already happening. In April, the Financial Times revealed the results of its investigation. It turned out that “some organizations are paying for emissions reductions that do not take place. Others are meanwhile making big profits from carbon trading for very small expenditure and, in some cases, for clean-ups that they would have made anyway.”

The Financial Times investigation concluded that there were “widespread instances of people and organizations buying worthless credits that do not yield any reductions in carbon emissions.” Further charges included the fact that the brokers for these credits were “providing services of questionable or no value.” Think back now to those “climate exchanges” the large banking houses have embraced.

When even The New York Times, one of the oldest and greatest global warming propaganda sheets around, ridicules a carbon neutral lifestyle, you have got to know just how idiotic it is. A recent Times article quoted Dennis Hayes, one of the gurus of environmentalism, as saying, “The worst of the carbon-offset programs resemble the Catholic Church’s sale of indulgences back before the Reformation.”

The absolute worst part of these cap-and-trade emissions programs is the way they will affect the American consumer. A recent report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) delivered a devastating indictment of the proposal.

In brief, the CBO concluded that the CO2 cap-and-trade scheme would increase home energy costs and the price of gas, unfairly punishing the poor while transferring wealth to the rich who have investments in these industries. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) noted that “Today’s report confirms what Europe, Canada, and many other nations have come to realize about CO2 cap-and-trade schemes: The entire carbon debate has been skewed toward the least effective and most economically damaging of the various approaches.”

Not one of the nations that signed onto the Kyoto Protocol to limit their CO2 emissions has ever met the standards to which they agreed and none ever will. The cap-and-trade scheme is just another version of these meaningless limits, but one that is designed to enrich those who engage in the smoke-and-mirrors trade in such credits.

If a Democrat-controlled Congress permits this to occur, the global warming scam will have been brought to its full culmination and purpose, the enrichment of those who have been perpetrating it and those who seek to benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, it's tough to read the anti-UN diatribe like this. Is the UN perfect? No. Does the US and every other country on the planet refer to the UN when they agree with it? Yes.

You guys have to make up your minds. If the UN is a good reason to invade Iraq, then it's also a good reason to combat global warming, right?

How about instead of trying to discredit the UN, which is generally the political tactic of the decade, perhaps instead talk about the real issues involved.

Are there prolems with caps and trading programs? Sure. Are they a step, or a way to get started? Sure, perhaps.

Tone down the rhetoric and polically motivated garbage and eventually there will be something substantial to discuss.