Nov 8, 2007

Black Ops PR in Global Warming Hoax?

American Thinker, WA 
Rush Limbaugh was hoaxed today by a very slick and superficially plausible Global Warming fraud. This resembles the kind of Black PR operation we have just ...   related articles

Google News: global warming

Post sponsored by the Energy Issues Directory


Anonymous said...

You know what's also fake? Global warming. Promote it all you want, but guess what? It's STILL a fraud, lie, and theory of a bunch of half baked "scientists" and bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

What's sad is that it is clear by your writing that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You have nothing to say but political talking points. Grow up. There is room for debate, but don't kid yourself into thinking that is what you are engaging in.