Sep 3, 2008

Ellesmere Island loses huge ice shelf, Canada 
... Roberta Bondar Fellow in Northern and Polar Studies at Trent University in Peterborough, Ont. "These changes are irreversible under the present climate ...   related articles

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acadie1755 said...

Thousands of years old ? How can that be?..
Why do people do not take the time to check if the information we receive is accurate?
This study shows the ward Hunt and the Ayles Had collapse in the not so distant past .

Anonymous said...

Do you actually read any of the items you post to?

The fact that ice shelves routinely have collapses doesn't say much about how much of the ice shelves remain... as they can regrow over time.

The important point is the overall size... which seems to be decreasing rapidly.

And, if you weren't aware, the ice shelves have been around for a heck of a long time. They didn't spring into existence a couple of years ago.

You might want to spend a bit more time figuring out what you are talking about before you do so much talking... it's embarrassing to watch.

Why so many people believe a regurgitate half-truth garbage in an attempt to disprove global warming is a fascinating question. I have to ask, again, why is it so important to you that there be no global warming?

You'll believe any tripe thrown your way as long as it seems to discredit the concept of global warming.

Why? What's so horrible about the alternative -- since the evidence supports it so completely?

acadie1755 said...

Yes I do read and do get informed..
The Ellesmere Ice shelves do break and do rebuilt it or not .. What is the purpose in believing that some naturally occurring events are not Natural or we are causing it?.. Ice melt in summer and ice freeze in winter.The ice self had collapse 40 years ago they cannot have been there for a very long time. They do break off just like any other huge icicles hanging in the ocean and get to heavy to stand on their own. I use to believe in any tripe thrown my way and use to react the same way you just did..But the more I read the less I believe in what I was being told. "Why? What's so horrible about the alternative" That one I would like to hear more details so to give an educated answer.

Anonymous said...


Look, the fact that events occur naturally does not have any bearing on whether or not we are approaching extremes in behavior due to global warming.

Would you like to suggest that ocean temperatures rising a degree, greatly increasing the ability for hurricanes to grow dramatically, has no bearing because hurricanes happen naturally anyway?

Once again, you have sidestepped the point of importance. Have the ice-shelves shrunk to a historic low, or not? Everybody knows that they grow and shrink, duh... but there is obviously more under consideration here.

If you are so educated on this issue perhaps you could talk to the salient points? We've heard the buzzwords and talking points already... get down to the meat of the details if you even can.